Monday, October 17, 2005

Watch your mouth

"Yeah, I had clearance, and you didn't, you plebian fuck. Now get outta my way." --
Judy Miller 10.17.05 - 1:52 pm blog entry on Eschaton.

Yikes, those are mighty words from a gifted New York Times reporter. Apparently, she's a bit dismayed over the latest controversy.

Did Judy Miller have appropriate security clearance to information that led her to write the NYT's article that vindictively outed CIA agent Valerie Plame's identity?

It's evident that this current debate is a complete diversion to keep the Administration clean of the leak. Unfortunately for Miller, this time, her proven pig-sniffing abilities are working against her.

It's most probable that Miller was given "special access." When a directive to give a reporter access comes from the Vice President of the United States, its legal legitimacy becomes defunct at the time of action. But several years down the road, when there is a White House investigation on such matters, the ambiguity of any special access becomes a safeguard for the Administration. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. In the end, however, I'm sure Judy Miller's special status with the GOP will be as looming as the WMD.

Click here for a full account of this affair. May Rove burn.


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